TeamSpirit first AI-OCR integrated product presentation


This is Juno from TeamSpirit Singapore. I'd like to share our latest presentation event held with Salesforce together. 

Mingle Time

A sharing event always starts with food&tea, Mingle time! This time we hold the meetup at our lovely workplace WeWork ARC380, with cosy atmosphere and yummy food, everyone is open and actively communicate with others.


We were sharing ideas and food

It's the best time to get first-hand information about market demands, also to share our knowledge and products. Since it was my first time joining such session in company, I was quite nervous at first. Luckily got suggestions from other colleagues, finally, I got up the courage to talk with others, try to understand their business and interests 😁

Salesforce Community 

Salesforce has created a rich and active community culture, where users can constantly exchange their ideas and experience. That night Angie Chng introduced us about Dreamforce, the coming event in San Francisco with more than 2700 sessions and workshops. If I was in US, I would definitely attend this carnival!


Angie Chng was introducing Dreamsforce

Also got to know Salesforce MVP from Johan Yu's presentation. MVP is awarded to the person who helps customers thrive by sharing knowledge, leadership and creativity in the Community. Thanks for these passionate contributors. 


Johan Yu was sharing his inspiring experience of how to become a MVP

TeamSpirit Time 

Definitely, the climax of this event is our presentation and live demo. We succeeded in applying OCR and AI into our expense product, which greatly facilitates users expense claiming flow and improves efficiency for everyone involved.


Go san's introduction about TeamSpirit business and value

Started with Go san's introduction, he shared our value, mission and business to attendees. We have a clear and ambitious vision to make every employee become a creator at work. 🎉 


Nino san was presenting our product

Followed by Nino san presenting expense product, our PM, leads team's direction and defines every feature. Because of his clear instruction and investigation, we could accomplish the most demanding and powerful functions. 👏


Prashant was running the live demo

Final part presented by Prashant impressed everyone with the integration of OCR and Salesforce Einstein. Given the real story how a user can easily manage expense claim on their daily activities, it shows great market value. Compared with peers, we have a noteworthy speed on image process. Easily switching from PC and Mobile allows users to deal cumbersome expense work on the go. Especially, the use of Salesfoce Einstein, frees customers' expense claim work in the first place. One feedback from an attendee is he was surprised to see the combination of Einstein with visualization.



At the end, I'd like to express my pride in working with my professional and lovely colleagues. We work as a team, supporting each other and learning from each other. Everyone here exploits their own advantage and make the maximum contribution to the whole team. 


Our team is growing

It is worth mentioning that Prashant and Yuhi are invited to the conference 'Salesforce World Tour Tokyo' to share their innovative work of Einstein. Highly recommend you to attend this meeting(free participation fee) to experience their achievements and grasp more about teamspirit's products! 🔥🔥🔥


TeamSpirit welcomes to see you